An Interview with Carsten Norgaard
Imagine history had been rewritten, and Japan and Germany ruled the United States. The new Amazon series “The Man in the High Castle” based on Phillip K Dick’s novel, explores this big what if.
“The premise of the series is what if the allied forces lost the Second World War, what would our world look like today.” Carsten Norgaard told us.
Carsten plays the role of Berlin insider ‘Colonel Rudolph Wegener,’ who poses as Swedish businessman Victor Baynes. He is on his way to a secret meeting in an effort to try and avoid a war that could occur if Adolf Hitler dies.
Photo Credit: Bettina Niedermann
We spoke to Carsten about what it was like filming a show that completely changed American history. “America is the land of big ideas and this is a big idea. It took a while to make it.”
Carsten had read the book before filming the series “I have always been intrigued by Philip K. Dick’s books.” We talked to him about what it was like to go from reading the book to being a part of the series. “The process was unique. The collaborative efforts on all levels were quite extraordinary. Collaboration has always been for me, what fuels a natural creativity.” He told us, “It was a great experience.”
The story is based on what if. We asked Carsten if he has ever asked himself what if in life, what if he wasn’t an actor, what if he was somewhere else, doing something else. – “I think everybody sometimes thinks about what if in all aspects of life.” On the what if in the series-
“This is probably one of the biggest what ifs.” With the storyline, he told us, “It has a wide appeal.”
Photo Credit: Bettina Niedermann
The Man in the High Castle will have all 10 episodes released on November 20th giving viewers the chance to take their time on the series, or binge-watch. Carsteen has experience binge watching different series and will often wait for seasons to end to watch all of the episodes at once.” On having the series release all 10 episodes at one time,
“It is a new way of reading a book, where you can read at your own discretion and depending on how much time you have, and how captivated you are with the story, you can dive into it and see everything.”
You can see Carsten in “The Man in the High Castle” available on November 20th.
Keep up to date with Carsten!
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