Written By: Jayme Face
You already know Violett Beane as Jesse Quick on The Flash and now don’t miss her in televisions most watched new show, God Friended Me!
Photo Credit: Lesley Bryce
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about God Friended Me and your character Cara?
Violett Beane: Yeah. So, God Friended Me is about an atheist who gets friended by someone calling themselves God on Facebook. He ignores the request because he doesn’t believe in God and he thinks someone is messing with him. Eventually he accepts it and he starts getting these friend suggestions for people. He sort of ends up being a change in their lives. I play Cara Bloom, she’s an online journalist and she ends up being one of the friend suggestions that Miles gets. In the pilot you see that she struggles with the fact that her mother left when she was really young. She came to New York in search of her and she’s actually found her, but she doesn’t really know how to take the next step. That’s when Miles and the God account enter. Then she decides to stick around after they’ve helped her.
upfrontNY: It is one of the most watched new shows on television, what about it do you think really resonates with audiences?
Violett Beane: I think it’s the message of the show. It’s positive and it’s about inclusivity. I think the world that we’re in right now with all the violence and negativity that’s going on, this show is something that can hopefully restore your faith in humanity and make you feel a little bit better at the very least.
upfrontNY: What would you do if God friended you?
Violett Beane: I mean, I’d have to accept. Curiosity alone, I feel like I need to accept.
upfrontNY: You are also Jesse Quick on The Flash, can you tell us a little bit about your character there?
Violett Beane: Yeah, I play Jesse Quick. She is a female speedster over on Earth-2. She was a badass. I loved playing her and putting on a leather suit, fighting crime. It was really fun being Jesse.
upfrontNY: What’s the best part about being part of the DC world?
Violett Beane: I mean, it’s just such a landmark. When I went in for the audition they didn’t even tell me what the role was because it was so hush hush. Then when I booked it they told me who I was playing. I immediately went to the comic book store, picked up every comic I could get on Jesse and started doing research. It’s fun when you have something to go off of when you’re playing either a real person and their story or like this a superhero where there’s generations of information on them. So, there was a little burden when I first got cast, but it was so fun and everyone was warm and welcoming.
upfrontNY: If you could be a superhero in real life what super power would you pick?
Violett Beane: Ohh, I think being invisible or flying. I’m so curious so, I think there are things I would want to find out by being invisible.
upfrontNY: You were in Truth or Dare, what would be the scariest dare for you in real life?
Violett Beane: The scariest dare may be to tell someone how you really feel. That would be really scary. Also, flying cockroaches. Anything with flying cockroaches! The ones in Texas literally fly!
upfrontNY: You grew up doing theatre, what made you want to pull your focus onto film and television later?
Violett Beane: I was doing theatre in High School and I was auditioning for all the plays. I was in almost all of them. So, I knew I loved acting. When it came to senior year I realized I didn’t really want to go to college necessarily at that point in time. So, I found a local agent in Austin, Texas which is where I’m from and just started sending in taped auditions for film and television. It started taking off and I ended up moving to L.A. from there because unfortunately there isn’t really a great industry in Austin anymore. They took away all the tax incentives and all the shows pulled out, but yeah that was kind of my transition.
upfrontNY: Would you ever do theatre again?
Violett Beane: Oh, My God, yes! I moved out here like 2 ½ months ago and I’ve already scene like 5 shows. I’m like obsessed! I would love to get back into theatre and do a small run of something here in New York. It’s so mesmerizing and captivating.
upfrontNY: You partnered with PETA for the “All animals have the same parts”, campaign can you tell us about that?
Violett Beane: Yeah, I did that campaign. Essentially it is bringing awareness to the fact that whether you’re a human, a cat, a dog, a cow, a pig, whatever we all have the same parts. We all deserve the same amount of respect. For me, it was like a way of letting people know to think about what you’re eating before you eat it. I am plant based, but I don’t like to push my beliefs on anyone. I think everyone’s body is different, but I think just being aware and opening the conversation is the first step to understanding other people.
upfrontNY: What do you like to do when you’re not working?
Violett Beane: I hang out with my dog and my bunny. I bake a lot and cook a lot and I like to travel.
upfrontNY: Where have you traveled to recently?
Violett Beane: Most recently, I went to Iceland. My boyfriend and I rented a car in the capital, Reykjavik. Then we drove it down the south coast for like a week. That was magical. Before that I went to Thailand which was probably my favorite so far. I could eat curry for breakfast lunch and dinner!
upfrontNY: Is there anything you’d like to let our readers know?
Violett Beane: Just keep watching the show Sundays at 8 and let us know what you think!
We really love watching “God Friended Me’! It’s a great show!