We had the chance to chat with Autumn Knight about her album “Here and Now”, performing, what she wants to say to those supporting her, and more!
Photo Credit: Megan Cencula
upfrontNY: When did you find your passion for music and know that you wanted to pursue it?
Autumn Knight: Ever since I was a really small child I was always dancing and singing everywhere I went. My parents thought at a really young age I clearly needed to be doing something in the entertainment industry. I would say dance class was the first time I knew I was meant to be a performer and I was told I was singing before I could talk, so it has always been a part of my soul. My parents embraced it and bought me private singing and piano lessons at age 10 and then from there I kept on growing with it. First and foremost it’s a god given gift, but when you have the right mentors around you magic can happen.
upfrontNY: What was it like when you first started lessons?
Autumn Knight: When I started playing the piano and learning about songwriting I fell in love with writing melodies and writing lyrics. I started listening to Tori Amos. Tori Amos and Sarah McLachlan were the first two female artists that got the wheels in my head to start spinning and just really influenced my writing and the power of strong vocals and melodies with the piano. From there I was doing a ton of theatre, playing gigs whenever I could, I went to Berklee College of Music in Boston and focused on vocal performance and songwriting.
upfrontNY: What was your experience like at Berklee?
Autumn Knight: Amazing. The professors are incredible and there are students from all across the world that attend that school. It was unbelievable to be around so many different types of musicians and the friendships that I made were priceless. Obviously the instructors and professors were unbelievable. To be immersed in the diversity of so many different types of music really influenced me as a writer and Boston is such an incredible city to go to school in.
upfrontNY: Living in California, going to school in Boston, recording in Nashville, how has spending time in these different cities influenced you and your music?
Autumn Knight: Boston has more of a city, urban vibe. I grew up in LA and San Diego. The early part of my childhood was LA the later part of my childhood was San Diego, close to the beach, a very drastic change going from California sunshine to more of an urban life in Boston and then to LA after Berklee doing music full-time. Each city has its own magic. I talk about California a lot in my music. It is part of me and my soul and who I am as a woman and an artist. I would say Boston brought out a slight edginess in me and city life energy and California has brought out the more soulful, boho-chic part of my personality. I would say that traveling is one of the most important things you can do as an artist, because for me I write a lot of my music from my experiences. I think it is important to always put yourself in new environments,shaking things up, and getting inspiration.
upfrontNY: What is a place you haven’t spent time yet that you would like to spend time for inspiration and writing?
Autumn Knight: I love dance music and it is a huge influence in my writing process and the production of my album. I would love to explore writing in Europe at some point. And Europe is one of the top that I would love eventually to be touring in. We are growing a fan base over there which is great.
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about your album “Here and Now”?
Autumn Knight: “Here and Now” is all about being in the moment and embracing life’s moments. I have been through a lot of loss and heartbreak. We all have a unique story and mine was having to grow up really fast and finding strength from a place that i didn’t know existed until I had to find it. I think more than ever right now it is important to be in the here and now. Technology is so fast paced and it is easy to get distracted by your environment and the news. There is so much negativity in the media and news and my album is all about embracing the here and now and being grateful for the people who are in your life. Living life to the fullest, but also embracing the highs and the lows. Everyone has a story. There are 11 songs in the album and there is something for everyone, it takes you on a journey.
upfrontNY: Do you have a special place to write or a special notebook that you write in?
Autumn Knight: For writing, i am always handwriting, for me it is just the way my creative brain processes ideas. I have a notebook that I take around with me whenever I am writing. I recorded my album here in Nashville. I have been bicoastal this past year going back and forth between Nashville and LA. I found this incredible electro pop producer Austin Shawn. He is based here in Nashville. Me, Austin, and my bass player Curt Hovland, we were working on the album every day, co writing and recording these incredible songs. I never had the synergy that the three of us had. I never felt that before. The songs just came out of us so easily and we have the best time creating the music.
upfrontNY: Do you have a favorite lyric in your music?
Autumn Knight: I talk about sunsets a lot on my album. I think for me that is a very tranquil space for me growing up in California. There are beautiful sunsets everywhere, but obviously California is very special. There is a song “Unbreakable” that I really resonate with. It is all about owning your power and not letting anyone interfere with your energy and your message. “Unbreakable” has been speaking to me a lot these days.
upfrontNY: What is it like being able to share these songs live?
Autumn Knight: To me, the live performances are the best part of this whole thing. I love being in the studio, but also being on stage and being able to share the music live is the biggest gift. I love feeding off the energy of the crowd and just seeing people’s reactions to the songs. At the Troubadour on January 4th, everyone was dancing, and to see the way the music is affecting everyone is so amazing to watch. I am really excited to be touring full-time.
upfrontNY: After performing, what is that moment like after you leave the stage?
Autumn Knight: When I am done with a performance there is no better feeling. You have a natural high of being able to share the music live and after the Troubadour I was thinking in my head I can’t wait to do this every single night and to be able to share this message and energy with the world. The world needs good music now and I am excited to be touring with other artists that have a similar fan base and hopefully I will be able to support some major artists. There is a powerful women’s movement right now and owning who you are. We get so much further when women especially support one another. I am excited to see what we can do on tour.
upfrontNY: What do you want to say to those women supporting you?
Autumn Knight: I love you and my heart is forever grateful. Music, singing, and acting are my heart and my soul. It is not something that I take lightly when I share it with the world.
No matter what, I want to be spreading a positive message and continue to empower everybody around me. I am very grateful for all the strong women in my life.
upfrontNY: Do you have a dream place to perform?
Autumn Knight: We want to hit all the major cities in the US and I would love to tour England, Italy, and all throughout Europe.
Photo Credit: Megan Cencula
upfrontNY: What was your favorite thing about NYC when you visited?
Autumn Knight: I absolutely love New York. The energy is my favorite thing because it is so fast in the best way possible. There is so much life. The city alone gives you energy even if you are exhausted from a long day. There is magic. It is so hard to explain, but when you are there you just feel it.
I was able to go to Fashion Week last season and be immersed in all the different shows. I loved being able to walk everywhere.
upfrontNY: It is a new year and a new decade. What are some of your goals?
Autumn Knight: To get on the road and be touring through the US and the world. I am excited to record new singles and am working on that now. Filming more music videos for the fans, and when the right acting opportunities come up as well I am excited to audition.
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