The film “Back In The Day” recently had its NYC premiere.
The film was directed by Paul Borghese and written by William Demeo. William also stars in the film as Anthony Rodriguez. Anthony has a rough childhood and had to grow up quickly. After his abusive and alcoholic father leaves, his hardworking and caring mother tragically dies, changing his life forever.
After the death of Anthony’s mother, Enzo DeVino, a local mob boss, decides to take Anthony under his wing and supports Anthony’s dream of becoming a boxer. He begins training with Eddie Trevor (Danny Glover) and begins his journey.
The film follows a conversation between Anthony and a reporter as he relives his journey through the ups and downs of becoming a professional boxer while dealing with the loss of his mother, and wanting to be with the only woman he’s ever loved, Maria.
Following the film, WBAI film critic, Mike Sargent hosted a Q&A with several members of the cast including Michael DeMeo, Lillo Brancato, Joseph D’Onofrio, Cristian DeMeo, Maria May, Michael Madsen, Ronnie Marmo and Paul Borghese( Director).
Even though Cristian DeMeo is the son of William, the cast discussed how he still had to audition for the film among several other actors. However because of his acting skills, he won over the role. Cristian was very excited to be able to play a younger version of his father.
Several members of the audience discussed their enjoyment and appreciation of the film. One audience member also discussed how pleased she was with how William portrayed the neighborhood in the film.
Back in the Day was a great film with a passionate cast.
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