Written By: Jayme Face
We caught up with newcomer Cooper Jack Rubin on his television debut in On Becoming a God in Central Florida!
Photo Credit: Shandon Youngclaus
upfrontNY:Can you tell us about On Becoming a God in Central Florida and your character Harold Gomes?
Cooper Jack Rubin: The show is about this woman Krystal Stubbs. She’s involved with this business called FAM and it’s about her trying to make it to the top of this pyramid scheme. My character Harold, essentially he is an introvert. He has this passion for the arts and dancing, but he doesn’t show it to anyone or his parents.
upfrontNY: What are the similarities and differences between you and your character?
Cooper Jack Rubin: I think that the similarities are that we both love to dance and sing, all the arts. So, we both love to do the arts, but the difference is he does it in his room, not telling anyone and I tell everybody about it. I’m always singing and dancing.
upfrontNY: Do you have a specific style of dance you prefer?
Cooper Jack Rubin:Not really, I just kind of make up my own moves.
upfrontNY:The show takes place in the 90s, long before you were born, were there any references that really surprised you or that you really liked like the clothes or the music?
Cooper Jack Rubin: The clothes were really comfortable actually. It was fun to wear them on set. I think what really stood out to me was the music because I got to listen to some good songs while I was shooting. Now I listen to a bunch of stuff I got from the show and other things that I’ve picked up on YouTube or other things I watch. The music was great, but there was also some unique things that aren’t here now but were around then, so it was like I was stepping into the 90s on set every day. That was really cool!
upfrontNY: Was there any music in particular that you really liked?
Cooper Jack Rubin: In the show Harold dances to Paula Abdul’s “Opposites Attract”. I really loved that song, getting to know it, trying to memorize it so that way I could do some things during the shoot. I mean everything, I love Juice Newton now. There’s a lot of people that I have just been introduced to and like now.
upfrontNY: You are working alongside some legendary actors like Kirsten Dunst, what is it like working with them and what has it taught you?
Cooper Jack Rubin: What it was like working with Kirsten Dunst? I mean she was so good to work with because I love the way she acted, but I don’t want to say acted because when I was doing scenes with her it was real. She is so talented and it was really cool to see her go from Kirsten Dunst to Krystal Stubbs. Something she taught me would probably be to keep my curls and I’m happy to say that I have. I think something unique was that Ted Levine came up to me one day at lunch and said “Always use the good utensils.” and now I always use the good utensils for sure!
upfrontNY: How did you first get interested in acting?
Cooper Jack Rubin: Well, when I was about three I went to see Phantom of the Opera with my parents and that was really cool. I loved it and I loved everything about it. After that I continued do theatre for a lot of years. I think it was Judy Garland, when I saw the Wizard of Oz really inspired me. I think what made me so in love with her performance was her acting. I mean it was raw and natural and her voice! She also had this ability to do some things that not many people can do. I think that was really cool and unique.
upfrontNY: What would be your dream role to have someday?
Cooper Jack Rubin: I don’t know, but I liked when the Greatest Showman came out with Hugh Jackman, who I love! I would love to get to so something like that because I would get to do all the things that I love: singing, acting, dancing. But, I would also like to see something new, maybe see what comes up.
upfrontNY: Who do you look up to in the business?
Cooper Jack Rubin: Obviously, Hugh Jackman because he is so good and so talented and I love everything that I’ve seen him in! I like Tom Cruise, what I’ve seen with him is pretty good. I like a lot of people! I like Judy Garland of course! I love Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music in Phantom of the Opera. My cat’s name is Andrew Lloyd Webber.
upfrontNY:What do you like to do for fun outside of acting?
Cooper Jack Rubin: I take vocal lessons. I like to sing. I love to dance. I love to swim, not competitively, but just swimming at my house. I love to jump on the trampoline and play basketball with my dad.
Favorite Fast Five
- Favorite color: Light blue
- Favorite food: Cheeseburger with lettuce, onions, and ketchup
- Favorite T.V. show: Stranger Things
- Favorite style of music: Hip-Hop and Broadway (because I grew up with Broadway)
- Favorite animal:Cat
Follow Cooper Jack Rubin on Instagram @cooper_rubin
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