Recently we got the chance to chat with D.Lyte about his music, performing, and more. Check out the interview!
upfrontNY: How did you get your start in music?
D.Lyte: It started when I was about 6 years old when I found a Tupac greatest hits cassette tape. My brother left it in the house when he moved out and I was really interested in the way his voice conveyed such a positive message. From there I went to percussion and then I started writing at age 12 and recording myself at 15.
upfrontNY: Since you started at such a young age, how have you seen your music develop?
D.Lyte: It is an amazing feeling because you gain more experience and there is more to talk about. What I thought I knew back when I was younger I actually didn’t know much about and coming to MJ Records it has brought me out more as an artist, more views.
upfrontNY: How has it been working with MJ records?
D.Lyte: About 4 ½ years ago I met with Edward he is the owner of MJ records. I feel like I matured, I gained more exposure on the market, and I’m performing better. I feel like the development overall has helped me.
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about some of your inspirations growing up?
D.Lyte: My family. I like to see everything that everyone goes through. That’s how I write my music based on what’s going on around me. In the household I grew up on, Earth, Wind, and Fire and a lot of R&B. My parents, they got me more open to other sounds.
upfrontNY: How does Hip Hop make you feel?
D.Lyte: To me, it is like a freedom. I can be as creative as I want to be. A lot is accepted into Hip Hop. It is a culture. I feel like there is not much judgement in Hip Hop. It is an art form. It can be with music, you can dj, you can draw, be a poet, anything you want to do. Hip hop is a whole culture to me.
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about your song “Caught Up”?
D.Lyte: “Caught Up” was actually a previous time in my life and my friends lives. It is like you have an ex girlfriend or boyfriend and things didn’t work out the right way but that person is still interested in you but your ready to move on to a new life and they are constantly trying to get you caught up with your new person that you are with. I played off of that.
upfrontNY: What was the experience like recording the music video?
D.Lyte: The music video experience is crazy. I love writing and performing and the music video is to show people the visual side of what im trying to convey, the message.
It’s one thing to hear what I’m saying but it is another thing to see what it is and today I feel like everyone needs both medians to understand what you want to convey to the audience.
upfrontNY: Do you prefer to be on stage, behind a mic, or shooting a music video?
D.Lyte: Honestly I love it all but my favorite I’d have to say is performing because I love connecting with people and the energy I get from the crowd that is in front of me helps me and brings my energy up to give them the best that I can.
upfrontNY: Do you have a favorite performance experience?
D.Lyte: There are 2. I like Stage 48 when I opened for Fetty Wap. That was a cool experience and the crowd was amazing. The other is The Griffin, that was also a crazy experience. I played with a live band so the energy from the band and the crowd was all connected and a lot of my fans were there. It was a great night and great experience.
upfrontNY: Do you have a dream performance venue?
D.Lyte: I’ve always wanted to play at Madison Square Garden. My dad grew up as a Knicks fan. Growing up in the house with a Knicks fan, it’s like you make it if you go to Madison Square Garden. That’s one place I really want to be at.
upfrontNY: Who would you want to perform with?
D.Lyte: Sia. Her voice is amazing to me. I think that would be a cool collab.
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about your experience living and working in the city?
D.Lyte: New York is the start of Hip Hop, it’s the birthplace. Im a native New Yorker. To me it’s like I love the fact that I’m from New York and can perform in New York. They say it’s the toughest city to make it in, but if you make it you can make it anywhere. I really feel like that is the goal, the dream. I got to make it.
upfrontNY: When you are not performing, what do you like to do?
D.Lyte: When I’m not doing music, I like to see things like the Museum of Natural History, going around the city and see the historic places. I enjoy the environment because there is a lot of creative people walking the streets. I love talking to people and hearing where people are from.
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about your song “Moscato”?
D.Lyte: “Moscato” is my single. It is a really fun song, a sexy song, a lot of people can relate to the love in the song. I’m excited about doing this video. My fans seem to respond to this one really well and I’m excited to show them visually what we come up with.
upfrontNY: What is it like having your fans supporting you?
D.Lyte: It is the greatest feeling in the world. I get pumped up every time I think of it. when I started doing this I didn’t think that people would enjoy what I’m doing. It is the greatest feeling in the world when people know your lyrics and who you are, what you’re doing. I want to show people you can do it if you try. You just have to keep trying and don’t give up.
upfrontNY: If you could interview or ask anyone for advice who would it be?
D.Lyte: My grandmother. She passed away when I was younger. I’ve heard a lot of good stories about her. She’s from Georgia and grew up in different times. I’d like to see what she thought about everything and how I should take my music and my direction and how I convey my message and how I can make more people happy.
upfrontNY: I think that is a really great and cool answer!
D.Lyte: Like I said, I like to talk to people and hear their stories because everyone comes from something, everyone has struggles.
upfrontNY: What is your message for your own music?
D.Lyte: When I listen to music I like to have a certain feeling depending on who I’m listening to. For my fans I’d like for them to feel what I’m feeling, what I’m going through, or see other people going through. My favorite kind is feel good music. There are real messages, but in a fun way.
The young man speaks from his heart and stays very humble exspect great things from him much love DLYTE
Great job cous , loved the interview – good luck & may the Lord continue to bless, keep & inspire you ,miss your grandma too
Love the Marshalls
But God