Erin Lucas can be seen on Fox’s new show “Flirty Dancing”. The show takes blind dating to a whole new level. Singles go on blind dates where they do not get to talk to their partners, but find a connection through a choreographed dance. Erin had the chance to go on a blind dancing date with two guys, Alec and Brandon. We got to chat to Erin about her experience on the show, overcoming insecurities, and what is next for her.
Erin on Flirty Dancing
upfrontNY: How did you originally find out about the show?
Erin Lucas: The show actually contacted me. That was amazing and super cool that they reached out to me.
upfrontNY: What made you interested in doing the show?
Erin Lucas: I knew right away. I did a bit of research, it started in the UK so I researched the UK version and completely fell in love with the show. My parents fell in love on the dance floor and I wanted to have that moment. I thought it was the perfect show for me and an opportunity for me. I knew right away that I wanted to take this opportunity.
upfrontNY: That is very cool that your parents fell in love on the dance floor and then you had a chance to find love on the dance floor too!
Erin Lucas: My mom was a professional dancer and she went to Juilliard, that was her career. They were in Hollywood and met on the dance floor and it turned into this beautiful love story. I heard that story multiple times so of course I wanted that type of love. It was the coolest experience.
upfrontNY: You had the opportunity to dance with two different guys. What was the practice like and the time preparing for the moment you would dance with both Alec and Brandon?
Erin Lucas: It was really fun. Travis was amazing. He was my choreographer and he had two assistants that worked with me for hours each day, a multiple of days and they were so helpful. It was of course something I was not used to. I was never a professional dancer so I wasn’t used to that much training a day so it was pretty wild, but they were so great and made me feel so comfortable and I felt really good and confident.
upfrontNY: Right before the music started for both of your dances, what was going through your mind?
Erin Lucas: The first one, there were a lot of nerves because you don’t know what to expect and you are so nervous. There is all this adrenaline, I am pretty sure I blacked out a little bit before. It was crazy how nervous I was. I felt like I was going to faint, but because of nerves. Then it turned out to be absolutely amazing. By my second dance I kind of knew what to expect. You know the drill and feel like a pro at this point.
upfrontNY: What has the response been like from others seeing you on the show?
Erin Lucas: Everyone has been really great and so supportive. I have connected with amazing people that have related to my story of feeling insecure about something or feeling insecure about themselves or their voice. The fact that I could be an inspiration for them and give them some confidence has been amazing. Also, inspiring people to dance and find love. One woman reached out to me that this show has inspired her to continue dancing with her husband and now they are choreographing routines in the kitchen. I have had amazing feedback from people who either relate to me or just love dance and love, love and are reconnecting with their spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, and dancing together.
upfrontNY: That is great that you have had such wonderful feedback. It is a great show and so fun to watch!
Erin Lucas: It is emotional, positive, happy and relatable. It really is just a heart warming loving show. I am so happy and grateful I was able to be a part of it.
upfrontNY: What was it like working with Jenna Dewan?
Erin Lucas: She was amazing. By the end of filming she was like an older sister with me. We really connected and she could really understand my story and she was such a great matchmaker. I feel like I have been misperceived. When they hear me they hear a quiet, innocent, timid girl and she knew that wasn’t who I was. For her to understand my story and connect with me so quickly and really look out for me was amazing. She was so great to work with.
Erin on Flirty Dancing
upfrontNY: We just started a new year and new decade, do you feel like this show gave you the chance and the voice to reinvent yourself and come away from the insecurity that you have been feeling?
Erin Lucas: This show definitely gave me the confidence to feel good in my voice and to not let it be an insecurity. It is 2020 and a whole new decade and it has connected me to so many amazing people.
upfrontNY: How did you make your decision on who you were going to choose? Did you know instantly who you were going to pick or did you struggle with your decision?
Erin Lucas: I was going back and forth. It was a hard decision for me. I waited until the very last second that I could to decide because I truly had such great guys and I had chemistry with both of the guys. I think the deciding factor for me was that the one that I chose I kind of got to see his career and what he did and what his passion was. I instantly felt closer to him because I knew a little bit about him in that sense and I was super attracted to it and drawn to a musician. It was a very hard decision for me. I talked to my mom about it and I was getting advice from my friends. They really gave me two amazing guys .
upfrontNY: Since the show has aired have you kept in contact?
Erin Lucas: The guy that I chose, we had breakfast a couple days later and hung out a couple days after that. We hung out twice after the show, we keep in touch but it slowly drifted away. I took a trip after filming, so I was away for a couple weeks and things slowly faded. I have been in touch with both guys, they are both great, but nothing has turned into a full on relationship.
upfrontNY: If you could do the show all over again, do you have two celebrity crushes that you would want to be your dance partners?
Erin Lucas: I have one for sure, Zac Efron. I have been obsessed with him my whole entire life. I would proably choose him twice.
upfrontNY: Do you have a song that you love that would be your ideal song to dance with him if you had the chance?
Erin Lucas: Bruno Mars is amazing. One of his songs that has a good groove too it. Bruno Mars has a certain swag to him that I really connect with.
upfrontNY: Are you still open to meeting someone and what are you looking for in the right guy?
Erin Lucas: Of course! I always say I would love to find a prince charming that can break it down on the dance floor. Someone who is a gentleman, who can laugh at themselves, and have a good time. I think laughing at yourself is super important. I am always laughing at myself. Someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously, but also has confidence. A good balance.
upfrontNY: Is there any other show or reality show that you would be interested in doing?
Erin Lucas: I am open to any opportunity really that comes my way. I would be interested in pursuing it for sure. I had such a great experience with the cast and producers. I have never been in this industry before and this was all very new to me. I really had such a great time.
upfrontNY: What advice do you have for others who want to participate in a show like this, or a blind date, or a blind date?
Erin Lucas: Be true to yourself, focus on what you want and not about what you fear. Go into it confident. It can be really scary and you have to be vulnerable in front of the cameras and it can be intimidating at times but know you are going in there to find love. Don’t live in fear, have fun with it!
upfrontNY: What are your goals and what is next for you in 2020 and this decade?
Erin Lucas: Right now I am in search of hunting for an apartment. That is one of my goals for this month. Focusing on my career, I am a hairstylist but also the fact that I am growing this platform has been so fun and something I genuinely love to do. Figuring out what path I want to take. Big things in 2020!
upfrontNY: Is there anything else you want others to know about you, the show, or finding love?
Erin Lucas: If this opportunity is given to you, definitely take it! There is something magical about dance and magical about love and both I am super passionate about.
upfrontNY: It was great to learn more about you and the show and how it has helped you overcome your insecurities!
Erin Lucas: I learned if you open up about your insecurities, you can connect to people and I think it Is super powerful and inspiring. That is how I have connected with others, learning about their insecurities, being vulnerable, being an open book, having those insecurities, and knowing I am not going through it alone. Other people have these insecurities too!
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