We got to chat with Mickeey Nguyen about dancing, teaching, “Utopia Falls” and more!
Photo Credit: Denise Grant
upfrontNY: When did you know you wanted to be in the entertainment industry and become a performer?
Mickeey Nguyen: I always had a love of performing ever since my high school days. I started off in this industry professionally dancing. I explored that and soon after, that branched off and snowballed off into performing for film and tv. Soon after that I went into acting. Now acting has become such a big part of my life.
upfrontNY: What is it like to look back at how far you have come from when you first started?
Mickeey Nguyen: It is really breathtaking for me because when you have this one direction in your life and have this plan that you are going to be a professional dancer and you fully go full force into it. Looking back on it now it is really inspiring for me to see that life takes so many quick turns and sometimes you need to reflect and be in the position of am I going to jump the gun and try something different than I originally planned or stick to the original plan. I think it is breathtaking for me to acknowledge and appreciate the risks that I did take in my career and the outcome that it has brought out. I am really happy with the direction I am in and the different courses I have taken. I am happy with where I have been and where I am going.
upfrontNY: All these steps have led you to an exciting time with “Utopia Falls”. Can you tell us about the show and what it was like being a part of that cast?
Mickeey Nguyen: “Utopia Falls” is one of a kind. It is basically the first performance based science fiction show and our director really wanted it to appeal to a modern audience, multicultural audience, and socially minded young adults. I didn’t know the magnitude of what this was going to turn into.. To be a part of this movement and creation and vision that he had really has taken a toll on me because back in the day I never really grew up seeing someone on the screen on tv that i could relate to or someone that looked like me. I never really had anyone or that one person to look up to. Nowadays we are evolving and this industry has branched off and you can see so much diversity in film and tv and i think the momentum is going very well where you can look on the screen now and everyone can see someone they relate to. “Utopia Falls” is so different and it is about acceptance and unity. I am really happy and proud to be a part of this cast.
upfrontNY: You said growing up that you didn’t have someone to look up to, someone who looked like you or that you could relate to. What message do you have to children growing up now who will see so much diversity and someone who does look like them or is like them?
Mickeey Nguyen: My message to them is that I think there is such an open appreciation to what film and television is now and I think that when people watch a show like “Utopia Falls”, and they find someone they can relate to, I think we can pull inspiration from that. My dream as a performer and a creative artist would be to do what I love doing and inspire someone else to do what they love doing. I hope that I touch someone’s heart and inspire them to do what they love doing.
upfrontNY: Can you describe the moment when you found out you booked the role for the show?
Mickey Nguyen: When I look back, oh man! The competition for this whole cast was insane. We had a dance call near the end where you saw everyone who had gone through to that point and now were on the dance floor. I got a chance to see the people who I potentially could be up against. Wow, everyone is so crazy talented and there was so much talent in the room and I didn’t think I would get it but I said if it happens great and if it doesn’t, one door closes and another one opens and to be thankful that I did the best that I could and let the universe work its magic. When I found out I booked it I was honestly so speechless, I flipped out, I told my mom and she was crying, I was crying, we were all in tears. I am so thankful to have been given this.
upfrontNY: What was your favorite experience on set?
Mickey Nguyen: When we had our first table read and we really got a chance to see each other, experience each other on how we are all crafting this. I think what my biggest experience of it was having a cast and crew that share the same passion and motivation to bring this to life with so much craftsmanship and integrity. I think that is really what meshed us all together. We shared so many good memories and bonded so well. The best experience from the show was creating that family bond where we would go into work and it didn’t feel like work because we felt like brothers and sisters. It was a big family setting that I was so happy to be a part of.
upfrontNY: What has been one of your favorite experiences in the world of dance?
Mickey Nguyen: I am very happy and thankful that dance is still able to be a part of me. Most of my projects required dancing like the Nickelodeon show “Make It Pop”, and Disney’s “ZOMBIES”. I am thankful that dance has become such an asset to my career. I guess my biggest moment in dance would have to be when I toured with Lilly Singh. She did a world tour. To visit all these different destinations and experience so much culture, I think that was the highlight and the biggest memory I have in my whole dance life. It was traveling around the world.
upfrontNY: Did you have time to sightsee at all?
Mickey Nguyen: Lilly Singh, our boss, was like every time we hit a new destination we are going to go everywhere and experience life there and then worry about work after. We got to experience everything, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Australia. We had time to experience each destination we visited.
upfrontNY: Did you have a favorite location?
Mickey Nguyen: They were all so good. My favorite destination would be a tie between Dubai and Singapore.
upfrontNY: You are teaching at a dance studio, teaching choreography. What is it like teaching others who want to learn from you?
Mickey Nguyen: I think people have this misconception about me and being a choreographer and instructor. They think that because I have a career in film and television, why am I still teaching at a studio? What I love about teaching is that it allows me to be in touch with one of my passions: dance. Another big part of dance is teaching students and that has been one of my biggest ambitions and accomplishments, allowing myself to shape and mold the next generation of performers. Watching them grow and to be a part of that every day and see how much they are accomplishing and progressing that is what is so breathtaking.Teaching is so incredible.
upfrontNY: Is there an artist you would like to tour with or choreograph for?
Mickey Nguyen: My top 3 would be Ariana Grande, BTS, and I never saw Billie Eilish use dancers, but if she did hit me up I am there for you!
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