Nathan Lovejoy can be seen starring in the Disney Channel’s series “Gabby Duran and the Unsittables”. We got to speak to Nathan about the show, if he believes aliens exist, Ads-Up, and more!
Photo Credit: Lesley Bryce
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about “Gabby Duran & the Unsittables” and your role as Principal Swift?
Nathan Lovejoy: I can! Gabby is a middle schooler who is enlisted by Principal Swift to babysit a secret community of aliens living on earth. Swift is in fact a shapeshifting alien and legal guardian of his nephew Jeremy, also an alien. Jeremy is the rightful heir and future Supreme Leader of their home planet, Gormonia and the two of them are hiding out on earth until he comes of age. Between looking after Jeremy and all the other aliens, not to mention keeping his cover as Principal of the middle school, Swift is overwhelmed! He sees something of himself in Gabby and decides to take her on as his full time babysitter and confidant.
upfrontNY: What has been your favorite part of filming this series?
Nathan Lovejoy: My favourite part of the series is definitely working with the kids. Shooting with them is super fun but also getting the opportunity to watch them grow up on set is awesome too! We really are like a big family and it’s cool to think that Valery and I, Valery Ortiz plays Dina Duran, can have some kind of positive influence on their lives. Beyond that they’re all amazing little actors and they keep me on my toes! I’m looking forward to when they’re all big stars and I can ask them to lend me money.
upfrontNY: The series premiered October 11th and has already been picked up for season 2. Congrats! What has it been like to be a part of the Disney Channel?
Nathan Lovejoy: It’s cool! Disney is such an iconic brand and it’s exciting to be involved with the company right now, particularly as they start to expand into the streaming space. Everyone at Disney Channel is terrific and so is our Canadian crew up in Vancouver. To be going back to make more of this show is so exciting and a real vote of confidence from Disney about it’s potential.
upfrontNY: Do you believe aliens exist?
Nathan Lovejoy: I wouldn’t rule it out! I’m not certain, but how can you be, right? The universe is such a huge and mysterious place. I think it’s naive to think we’re the only ones. There’s so much we don’t know and isn’t that exciting!? I hope there are! “Hi aliens if you’re reading this! I come in peace.”
upfrontNY: You were born in Tasmania, Australia and graduated from the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA). What has the transition been like for you from Australia to America?
Nathan Lovejoy: I had spent a fair bit of time in LA before we moved out permanently, so had a bit of a sense of what life here was going to be like. The transition is always hard though. There’s a lot of similarities but a lot that’s different too. Same language, same TV, a lot of the same food; but then you drive on the other side of the road, pedestrians have right of way. You call it ’take out’ not ’take away. You call them cell phones not mobile phones. I could go on! Apart from that though, having my wife Jess and my dog Kasper here has made a huge difference. It feels like home now.
upfrontNY: I saw on Instagram that you recently went to Disneyland for the first time. What was the best part of that experience?
Nathan Lovejoy: Traumatic and amazing all at once. I don’t do thrill rides normally but somehow I ended up on the Incredicaoster and the Guardians of the Galaxy drop tower. I encourage everyone to check out my Instagram feed to see just how much I loved it. That said, I was proud of myself for doing it. I think I’m out on scary rides for a while.
upfrontNY: What other parts of the country would you like to explore?
Nathan Lovejoy: I’ve seen a lot already. We did a huge road trip in 2014 where we drove from LA to New York. I love the national parks and still haven’t done Yellowstone, so that’s on the list for sure! Would love to see Maine and New Hampshire and in and around that area too.
upfrontNY: Can you tell us about Ads-Up?
Nathan Lovejoy: Ads-Up stand for Aussie Diaspora Stands Up. It’s a volunteer led charity that offers support to newly arrived refugees in the USA that have come here under the US-Australian refugee deal. I’m very close with a couple of Iranian’s here in LA that have both been here less than a year. I also liaise with other refugees around the country, helping connect them with people in their local community and assisting with other things like winter clothes, CV writing, apartment hunting. It’s a lot of fun and hugely rewarding. For anyone who wants to find out more please visit:
upfrontNY: What do you like to do when you are not working?
Nathan Lovejoy: When I’m not volunteering, I’m trying to write or hanging out with my Dog Kasper. He’s a big Ridgeback cross and over 100 pounds, so he needs a couple of decent walks a day. We spend a lot of time hiking the trails around LA. I also enjoy spending time with my wife Jess!
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