The most recent film screened as part of the NY Film Critics Fall Series, was, “Hitchcock/Truffaut” directed by Kent Jones. The documentary explores the interviews between French filmmaker François Truffaut and the legendary director Alfred Hitchcock which Truffaut made into a book. The film also shows how these interviews between Francois Truffaut and Alfred Hitchcock began a friendship.
There are several famous directors in this movie sharing their thoughts on the book and films directed by Hitchcock and how they were influenced by him.
Following the screening, Peter Travers hosted a live discussion and audience q&a with director Kent Jones.
Peter asked what Kent would have asked Alfred Hitchcock if given the chance and he responded, “That is a difficult question to answer. He is a touchstone, an inspiration. I don’t think I would have the presence of mind to put words together.”
Peter and Kent discussed how fans often ask people for autographs because they can’t put the words together.
Kent was asked if he would liken any other filmmakers to Hitchock and he responded, “Any filmmaker that puts that kind of attention into their work, I would liken to Hitchcock.”
During the discussion Kent spoke about who Hitchcock was both in and out of his career. “I think he is someone who was devoted to his art form. He had a unique career.”
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