Women of ’69 Unboxed
Women of ‘69 Unboxed is now available nationwide via iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and XBOX. The award-winning documentary features women who were from the Skidmore College Class of 1969. Throughout the documentary, the women discuss their life during this time, including marriage, the war, love, milestones, and the choices they have made in their lives. The class of 1969 decided not to do a yearbook, but a Year Box where they shared a collection of photos including ones from their own private photo shoots. Several of these photos were shown throughout the film.
The film starts off as one of the women, Karen Glazier discussing the word free and being free.
One of the moments that stood out in the film was when the women were discussing riots, the war, and the civil rights movement. Maxine Isaacs said,“Students now think that if they like something on facebook that they’ve done their bit, but your not going to affect change in the society unless you get out there and try to do something about it.”
Another moment that stood out was when Penny Chisholm discussed the quote, “ Well behaved women seldom make history.”
Women of ’69 Unboxed was an interesting documentary giving viewers the chance to see the viewpoint from so many interesting women and what life was like for them during the college years to now, at the age of 65. The women were so honest with their triumphs and their heartaches.
“I want to feel useful, I want to feel like I still have a voice. “ Jane Nordli
Learn more about Women of ’69 Unboxed
Facebook: Women of ’69 Unboxed
Twitter: @womenof69
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